Karim Eich

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Dust Films

Monju Hunters of Sofugan Island

Q & A

If the world you created in your film became a reality, is that a world you would want to live in? Is there a Sci-Fi world you’d buy a one-way ticket to?

A: I would not like to be on a one-way trip to another reality, because for me the appeal of it all lies in the unknown, alien worlds that are different to our own. Changing an alien world to a known reality defeats the “purpose” of sci-fi itself for me. I like to immerse myself in other worlds and after come back to ours with maybe a new perspective.

Name a Sci-Fi character you relate to on a spiritual level? Who is your Sci-Fi spirit animal/spirit alien?

A: This is quite a stretch, but he dies in the Expanse, so maybe it could go through as a Sci-Fi character: Adam Savage really motivates me with his endless interests and motivation to build stuff.

Friend or Foe: humanoid robots with advanced artificial intelligence? What if robots start making their own Sci-Fi films? Will you support them in their endeavors?

A: That's a very philosophical question. But my short answer would probably be: If the films they make are wonderful, I think I would support them as much as I can.

In 1996, Bugs Bunny recruited Michael Jordan and Bill Murray to form the greatest basketball squad of all-time, the Tune Squad; you’re Bugs, who’s on your Sci-Fi Tune Squad?

A: I think I would go with the Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe we would not win, but it would be so much fun.

You’ve gotta go through some bad ideas to get to the good ones. Tell us one of your bad ideas. How do you get past the bad ones to find your spark?

A: The bad ones don't come back to you. I usually take a rest from ideas/projects to see if I still think about them and feel they can work after several days/weeks/months. When I can not wait to get going with it and even a lunch break can be annoying because I have to stop working on my project I know it's the right one. Its difficult to tell you one of my bad ideas, because most of the time at least a tiny spark or one small aspect of them keeps coming back to me and ends up as a part of a good idea in the end :) And then also - maybe a good idea for one person is actually a really bad idea for the next. Finding what works for yourself is far more important than to think about what everyone else would consider to be a good or bad idea.

Do you consider yourself part of a sci-fi community? Or when your brain is in the future and your body’s in the present, is that isolating?

A: I feel like everyone creating other worlds, be it sci-fi, fantasy or other fiction is in some way a part of a loose society of thinkers and makers.

Do you consider yourself more of an analog or digital person? What kind of balance do strike between the two? Is there a disconnect between the technology you make films about and the technology that you make films with?

A: I have to say both. I grew up building stuff with my hands and when I work on digital projects I always try to get something analog in there. Even if I just scan real textures myself or have a 3D scan of something to put into the scene. It helps to make it less sterile.

When you’re creating the props and sets that make a new world, where do you look for inspiration? How do you create objects that are relatable but unfamiliar?

A: A mix between unfamiliar and familiar is the key in my opinion. Start from a real object and see how far you can change it until it becomes unrecognizable. Personally, a prop works for me if I believe it has function and is used in the world it exists.

Lightning round: Star Wars or Star Trek? Philip K. Dick or William S. Burroughs? Practical or CGI? Dystopia or Utopia? Post Apocalypse or Pre Apocalypse?

A: Star Wars, Philip K. Dick, Practical, Dystopia, Post Apocalypse