Kai Hasson

Kai Hasson is a producer and writer, known for Robu (2019), UHC: Ultimate Home Championship (2020) and UHC: Ultimate Home Championship (2020)

Dust Films

Q & A

If the world you created in your film became a reality, is that a world you would want to live in?

Absolutely. I love the idea of the unexpected being around any corner.

You’ve gotta go through some bad ideas to get to the good ones. Tell us one of your bad ideas. How do you get past the bad ones to find your spark?

Part of me feels like there are no bad ideas. They all have potential. And then another part of me feels like all ideas are bad until you work on them and make them come to life. There were 24 bad versions of my film script. I’m still not sure if the idea is good or not. But I like the film.

Lightning round: Star Wars or Star Trek? Philip K. Dick or William S. Burroughs? Practical or CGI? Dystopia or Utopia? Post Apocalypse or Pre Apocalypse?

Star Wars, Philip K. Dick, Practical, Dystopian Utopia, Post Apocalypse.